General Specs that apply to all banner placements listed below:

  • Max file weight: No larger than 140kb; 72 dpi; RGB
  • File types accepted: JPG, GIF, PNG, 3rd Party ad tags (we prefer Google Campaign Manager ad tags — the internal redirect version), HTML5 (see HTML5 requirements). PDFs are not an accepted file format for banner ads.
  • Please supply the web address the ad should link to. See “Landing Page Guidelines for Website and Newsletter Banners” below for more details.
  • Please double check the final dimensions of each ad file. Ads that are not proportionate to the ad size cannot be re-sized by us. Ads that are too large but proportionate may result in the text being difficult to read once re-sized.

Run of Site Package

Description: Running all ad sizes across all ad units on our brand website.

Ad sizes needed: 970×90, 300×250, 320×100 and 728×90

Note: Provide all ad sizes to ensure impression counts are met. These are listed in pixels listed as width by height.

If Running Individual Placements:

Top Leaderboard:

Description: Display ad at the top of the website with expandable option.

Ad sizes needed: 970×90, 320×100. 970×300 for expandable option, see below for more details on expandable option.

Assets needed for expandable banner:

  • Asset 1: Contracted State: 970×90. Must contain the words “Click To Open” on the bottom right corner.
  • Asset 2: Expanded State: 970×300. Must contain the words “Click To Close” on the bottom right corner.

NOTE: When users first come to the site the ad will auto expand and remain expanded for 15 seconds. If users go to a second page during the same visit or come back to the site inside of 24 hours they will see the contracted state and they will have to click on the “Click To Open” text to expand the ad. Only expands on desktop.


  • Description: Long rectangular display ad that spaces throughout the website.
  • Ad sizes needed: 728×90, 320×100

In-content Ad:

  • Description: Rectangular/Box ad that presents between the paragraphs in the body text of articles.
  • Ad sizes needed: 300×250

Welcome Ad:

  • Description: Interstitial when someone enters the website. Displays for 15 seconds and then auto closes.
  • Ad sizes needed: 600×450 (desktop view) and 300×250 (mobile view).

Digital Display Ad Design Best Practices

  • MOST IMPORTANT TIP: Submit multiple (no more than 4 sets) of visually different creatives. The campaign can be set up to serve the creative receiving the most clicks more frequently.
  • Your ads will be shown on mobile devices or tablets. Make the text as large and easy-to-read as possible. Use sans serif fonts.
  • If using an animated GIF, ensure the frame stays visible long enough for a user to read the frame. Do not make the ad rotate too quickly or flash.
  • Have a clear call to action on the ad “Click/Tap For More Information”
  • If the background color of the ad is white, the ad must have a colored border around it to help make the ad stand out from the site.
  • Less is always more when it comes to the amount of content on the ad. Keep it brief and to the point.
  • We highly recommend you include a tracking code at the end of the URL the ad links to. This enables the ability to track the ad performance via your own website analytics tools (such as Google Analytics). If you are not familiar with this process, please see this URL Builder Tool resource from Google:
  • Keep the file weight as low as possible.

Landing Page Guidelines for Website and Newsletter Banners

All campaign destination URLs must be fully built out websites. Anything outside of industry best practice or deemed non-spec by our ad server are prohibited. Below are some examples that would be considered in violation:

  • Parked destination URLs, sites under construction or non-functional pages.
  • Pages that limit or interfere with a user’s ability to navigate away from the page. Example of this would be linking to a PDF or interactive PDF.
  • Linking to an email address.
  • Destination URLs that auto-redirect.
  • Destination URLs that prompt you to download files or plug-ins.
  • Landing pages that cannot be viewed on commonly used browsers.

Website Banners:  Video Options

In Banner Video

Asset 1: 300×250 JPG with a 280×160 empty space for the embedded video. Place graphic elements outside of this box and include an easy-to-read call to action that will link to your landing page.

Asset 2: Upload the video you want to be used in the ad to YouTube and provide the link to the video to us. The video should be less than 30 seconds. We can also accept video files. If submitting a video file, it cannot exceed 30MB. We accept the following video formats: .mp4, .mov, .ogg, .flv, .avi, .ogv, and .webm video.

Expandable Leaderboard In Banner Video

Asset 1: Contracted State: 970×90. Must contain the words “Click To Open” on the bottom right corner.

Asset 2: 970×300 JPG with at least a 280×160 empty space for the embedded video. Place graphic elements outside of this area and include an easy-to-read call to action that will link to your landing page. Must contain the words “Click To Close” on the bottom right corner.

Asset 3: Upload the video you want to be used in the ad to YouTube and provide the link to the video to us. The video should be less than 30 seconds. We can also accept video files. If submitting a video file, it cannot exceed 30MB. We accept the following video formats: .mp4, .mov, .ogg, .flv, .avi, .ogv, and .webm video.

Note: For both the 300×250 and the expandable leaderboard, the video will auto play but the sound will be muted. Users will have the option to replay the video with the sound on.

Description: Audience retargeting is a compilation of all display ad sizes that follow our website and email readers on to the open web.

Ad sizes needed: 300×250, 728×90, 300×600, 970×250, 320×50, 300×50, 160×600

Specs and requirements:

  • Max file weight: No larger than 140kb
  • File types: JPG, GIF*, PNG. PDFs are not an accepted file format for banner ads.
  • Animated GIFs cannot “flash” or “strobe”. The frames cannot rotate faster than 5 frames per second so the fastest transition for any frame is 0.21 seconds. The ad cannot be set to loop forever, and the full animation must end in under 30 seconds. Example — the ad has 3 frames that stay visible for 3 seconds each for a total of 9 seconds. The ad can then be set to rotate no more than three times — for a total of 27 seconds.
  • Please double check the final dimensions of each ad file. Ads that are not proportionate to the ad size cannot be re-sized by us. Ads that are too large but proportionate may result in the text being difficult to read once re-sized.

Description: Digital product that includes display ads on our sites, retargeting on the open web and LinkedIn. Ad sizes collected include sizes for all channels.
Ads Sizes needed: 320×50, 320×100, 300×50, 300×250, 970×250, 970×90, 728×90, 160×600, 728×90, 1200×628, 1080×1080

Description: Targeted Display are ads using third-party data across the open web.

Ad sizes needed: 300×250, 728×90, 300×600, 970×250, 320×50, 300×50, 160×600

Specs and requirements:

  • Max file weight: No larger than 140kb
  • File types: JPG, GIF*, PNG. PDFs are not an accepted file format for banner ads.
  • Animated GIFs cannot “flash” or “strobe”. The frames cannot rotate faster than 5 frames per second so the fastest transition for any frame is 0.21 seconds. The ad cannot be set to loop forever, and the full animation must end in under 30 seconds. Example — the ad has 3 frames that stay visible for 3 seconds each for a total of 9 seconds. The ad can then be set to rotate no more than three times — for a total of 27 seconds.
  • Please double check the final dimensions of each ad file. Ads that are not proportionate to the ad size cannot be re-sized by us. Ads that are too large but proportionate may result in the text being difficult to read once re-sized.

Description: Sending display ads to people who have attended an event or have entered the perimeter of a location.

Ad sizes needed: 320×50, 300×50, 300×250, 728×90, 300×600, 970×250.
This is a campaign that is primarily served on mobile devices. The 320×50, 300×50 and 300×250 will deliver the majority of the impressions. Please make sure these ads are easy-to-read and the text is not too small.

Specs and requirements:

  • Max file weight: No larger than 110kb
  • File types: JPG, GIF*, PNG. PDFs are not an accepted file format for banner ads.
  • Submit all of these sizes for maximum reach (this is a mobile heavy campaign so the sizes that are in bold will deliver more than 70% of the campaign’s impressions. Make sure they are easy to read, short and to the point):
  • Animated GIFs can not “flash” or “strobe”. The frames can not rotate faster than 5 frames per second so the fastest transition for any frame is 0.20 seconds.
  • If the ads have a white background, they must have a colored border around the ad to help ensure they standout from the website’s background.
  • Please double check the final dimensions of each ad file. Ads that are not proportionate to the ad size cannot be re-sized by us. Ads that are too large but proportionate may result in the text being difficult to read once re-sized.

Important Landing Page Requirements For Remarketing, Targeted Display, Geofence and Online Display Everywhere Campaigns:

All campaign destination URLs must be owned and operated by the client or advertiser unless permissions are obtained from the third-party retailers or properties. If permissions have been obtained from the third-party retailers or properties, we will approve the destination URL. Examples of this are clients using a Zoom, WebEx or GoTo landing page to register people for a webinar.

All campaign destination URLs must be fully built out websites that include a privacy policy. Anything outside of industry best practice or deemed non-spec by our ad server are prohibited. Below are some examples that would be considered in violation:

  • Parked destination URLs, sites under construction or non-functional pages.
  • Pages that limit or interfere with a user’s ability to navigate away from the page. Example of this would be linking to a PDF or interactive PDF.
  • Linking to an email address.
  • Destination URLs that auto-redirect.
  • Destination URLs that prompt you to download files or plug-ins.
  • Landing pages that cannot be viewed on commonly used browsers.
  • Misleading landing pages that infringe on a third-party’s copyright.