Digital Advertising Specifications

Thank you for reviewing our digital advertising specs.
All ads should be submitted to our Send My Ad portal:
Look for specific Send My Ad instructions under each ad section below.
Ads are due five business days prior to the ad going live.

Jump to these sections:
Rich Media Specs
Newsletter Banner Specs
Industry Insights | Sponsored Content
eBlast Specs
Remarketing & Display Geofence Specs

On-Ste Display Ads

Max file weight: No larger than 140kb; 72 dpi, RGB
File types: JPG, GIF, PNG, HTML, 3rd Party ad tags and HTML5 (see HTML5 requirements) Please supply the web address the ad should link to.

On-Site Display Ads Design Best Practices
 Submit multiple (no more than 4), visually different creatives. The campaign can be set to serve the creative receiving the most clicks more frequently.
• Your ads will show on mobile devices or tablets. Make the text as large and easy-to-read as possible. Use sans serif fonts.
• If using an animated GIF, ensure the frame stays visible long enough for a user to read the frame. Do not make the ad rotate too quickly or flash.
• Have a clear call to action on the ad “Click For More Information”
• Less is always more when it comes to amount of content on the ad. Keep it brief and to the point.
• We highly recommend you include a tracking code at the end of the URL the ad links to. This enables the ability to track the ad performance via your own website analytics tools (such as Google Analytics). If you are not familiar with this process, please see this URL Builder Tool resource from Google:
• Keep the file weight as low as possible.

On-Site Display Ad Sizes:

Leaderboard: 970×250 desktop + 320×100 mobile (submit both)
Bottom Leaderboard: 728×90 desktop + 320×100 mobile (submit both)
Boom Box (In Content): 300×250
Right Rail “Sticky”: 300×600
Live From Market Specs Title Sponsor: 970×250 desktop + 320×100 mobile
Banner Ads In Rotation: 970×90 desktop + 320×100 mobile Max file weight: 140kb File types accepted: JPG, GIF, PNG, 3rd Party Ad tags, HTML5 (see HTML5 requirements) Ads must link to a landing page.

Live From Market Product Gallery Specs:
Gallery Description Text: No more than five sentences. Can contain a link.
Images: Recommended size is a horizontal 1000 px wide x 1000 px tall. Image captions should be two sentences or less with no links in the captions. Max of 10 images can be supplied for the gallery.

Banner Ads For Product Gallery Page: 970×250, 970×90, 728×90, 300×600, 300×250 and two 320x100s

Rich Media Ads

Examples of Rich Media Ads Click each link to see an example of that ad type
Welcome Ad
Video Pushdown
Standard Pushdown

Desktop Welcome Ad
Size: 640 pixels wide x 480 pixels tall
Max file weight: 140kb
Color Mode: RGB | Resolution: 72dpi
File types: JPG, GIF and PNG
NOTE: The ad is visible for 15 seconds and then closes. Limit any animations to 10 seconds and they should not loop.

Mobile Welcome Ad
Size: 300 pixels wide x 250 pixels tall
Max file weight: 40kb
Color Mode: RGB | Resolution: 72dpi
File types: JPG or GIF
NOTE: The ad is visible for 15 seconds and then closes. Limit any animations to 10 seconds and they should not loop.

Adhesion Banner
Desktop Banner: 728×90
Mobile Banner: 320×50
File types: JPG, GIF or PNG
Max file weight: 80kb
If animated the animation should not last more than 15 seconds total with a max of four loops.

Video Pushdown
Asset 1: Contracted State: 970×90. Must contain the words “Click To Open” on the bottom right corner.
Asset 2: Expanded State: 970×415. Must contain the words “Click To Close” on the bottom right corner. Leave a 660×360 empty space where the video will be embedded. This empty area should match the background of the whole 970×415. We do not need a box placed where the video will be.
Asset 3: Upload the video you want to be used in the ad to YouTube and provide the link to the video to us. The video should be less than 30 seconds. We can also accept the video as a file if uploading to YouTube is not preferred (reminder that YouTube videos can be set to private).
File Type: Assets 1 and 2 should be submitted as JPGs with a max file weight of 150kb each. If submitting a video file, it cannot exceed 30MB. We accept the following video formats: .mp4, .mov, .ogg, .flv, .avi, .ogv, and .webm video.
NOTE: When users first come to the site the ad will auto expand and remain expanded for the length of the video. The video will auto play but the sound will be muted. Users will have the option to unmute the audio. If users go to a second page during the same visit or come back to the site inside of 24 hours they will see the contracted state and they will have to click on the “Click To Open” text to expand the ad.

Standard Pushdown
Asset 1: Contracted State: 970×90. Must contain the words “Click To Open” on the bottom right corner.
Asset 2: Expanded State: 970×415. Must contain the words “Click To Close” on the bottom right corner.
File Type: Both assets should be submitted as JPGs with a max file weight of 150kb.
NOTE: When users first come to the site the ad will auto expand and remain expanded for 15 seconds. If users go to a second page during the same visit or come back to the site inside of 24 hours they will see the contracted state and they will have to click on the “Click To Open” text to expand the ad.

In Banner Video 300×250
Asset 1: 
300×250 JPG with a 280×160 empty space for the embedded video. Place graphic elements outside of this box and include an easy-to-read call to action that will link to your landing page.
Asset 2: Upload the video you want to be used in the ad to YouTube and provide the link to the video to us. The video should be less than 30 seconds. We can also accept video files. If submitting a video file, it cannot exceed 30MB. We accept the following video formats: .mp4, .mov, .ogg, .flv, .avi, .ogv, and .webm video.
The video will auto play but the sound will be muted. Users will have the option to replay the video with the sound on.

In Banner Video 300×600
Asset 1: 
300×600 JPG with a 300×200 empty space (should match the background of the ad — do not create a box) for the embedded video. Place graphic elements outside of this area and include an easy-to-read call to action that will link to your landing page.
Asset 2: Upload the video you want to be used in the ad to YouTube and provide the link to the video to us. The video should be less than 30 seconds. We can also accept video files. If submitting a video file, it cannot exceed 30MB. We accept the following video formats: .mp4, .mov, .ogg, .flv, .avi, .ogv, and .webm video.
The video will auto play but the sound will be muted. Users will have the option to replay the video with the sound on.

Expandable Leaderboard with Video
 This is a user-initiated ad unit. It requires the user to hover over the ad for it to expand and then auto play a YouTube video that is embedded into the expanded panel of the ad.
Asset 1: 728×90 JPG, PNG or GIF. Must contain a call to action to either mouse or hover over the ad to expand to see the video.
Asset 2: 983×400 JPG, PNG or GIF. Must contain at least a 500×250 blank area where the video will be placed. Also must contain a call to action to close the expanded panel.
Asset 3: 
Link to a 15 to 30 second YouTube video that will play in the expanded panel. We can also accept video files. If submitting a video file, it cannot exceed 30MB. We accept the following video formats: .mp4, .mov, .ogg, .flv, .avi, .ogv, and .webm video.
Asset 4: 
The web address the background of the 728×90 and 983×400 should link to.

Wallpaper and Homepage Takeover

Required Ad Sizes: 2200×2000, 970×250, 970×90, (2) 728×90, 300×600, 300×250

Wallpaper Image Wall: 2200×2000 (pixels; width by height), RGB color mode. The center area sized to 1240 pixels wide needs to be left blank. The wallpaper area that shows outside of the site content is 480 pixels wide on the far left and far right. The live site area starts 480 pixels from the left and ends 1,720 pixels from the left. The wallpaper is clickable. However, avoid putting any text or calls to action in the wallpaper area as the visible area differs greatly based on monitor width. The wallpaper should serve as a texture or layer that compliments and ties in with the 970×250.
Max file weight for the wallpaper is 500kb. JPG or PNG.
Companion Billboard: 970×250.
Max file weight: 200kb. JPG or PNG. Provide the linking URL.
Homepage Roadblock ads (desktop only) (pixels; width by height), RGB color mode: 970×90, 300×250, 300×600 and two 728x90s.
Max file weight: 200kb. JPG or PNG. Provide the linking URL.

Website Banner and Rich Media Ad Traffic Instructions for Send My Ad:
Ad Type to send: Digital Ads
Media Profile: Choose “Website Ads” for the site the ad will run on.
Choose A Placement: For JPGs and GIFs choose “Image Ads”. If you are submitting multiple files at once, zip all the files first and then choose “Zip Campaign”.
Please supply the web address the ad should link to.

Email News Alert Ads

Max file weight: No larger than 140kb
File types: Non-transparent JPG, PNG or GIF only. Max of 4 loops for animated GIFs.
Color Mode: RGB
Resolution: 72 to 96 dpi
Please provide the URL the ad should link to — banner ads can only have one URL.

NOTE ABOUT ANIMATED GIFs: Older desktop versions of Outlook only display the first frame of a GIF. New versions only allow the GIF to rotate through the frames one time and then it stops on the first frame and the user has to hit a play button for the ad to rotate again. Please keep this in mind as you develop your ad. Most developers place all calls to action and important information in the first frame so it will be visible to all users.

Email News Alert Banner Ad Design Best Practices
• Your ad will show on mobile devices. Make the text as large and easy-to-read as possible. Use sans serif fonts.
• If using an animated GIF, ensure the frame stays visible long enough for a user to read all the info on the frame.
• Keep the file weight as low as possible.
• If the campaign includes daily or several newsletter deployments, submit multiple, visually different creatives to be rotated each day or each week to keep the ad fresh.
• Consider running a Native ad (Image + Text) as opposed to a standard banner. Any ad sold into a 575×150 banner position can run a Native ad. Image + Text ads deliver a much higher number of clicks
• We highly recommend you include a tracking code at the end of the URL the ad links to. This enables the ability to track the ad performance via your own website analytics tools (such as Google Analytics). If you are not familiar with this process, please see this URL Builder Tool resource from Google:

Note About Video Ads In Newsletters: Many email platforms do not support video. If a client wants to link to a landing page that will then play a video, the best option is to design an ad with a still image from the video and add a video play button image to the ad. Users will likely think the ad will play the video so they will click/tap the ad. They would then be brought to the landing page where the video will play.

Positions and Sizes By Email News Alert

Furniture Today Email News Alert Ads

Furniture Today Morning Edition
Furniture Today Afternoon Edition
Furniture Today Market Edition
Furniture Today Bedding Today
Furniture Today Technology
Furniture Today Upholstery
Positions 1 and 2: 600 x 150 Banner
Position 3 – 5: Can be 575 x 150 Banner Ad or Native Ad. Specs for Native Ads: 300 pixel wide x 167 pixel tall image (72 dpi, RGB); 8 words max headline; 30 words of body copy; URL(s) the ad should link to. NOTE: The text should not be placed onto the 300×167 image — the image and text should be submitted separately. We will compose the ad onto the newsletter.

Furniture Today Bedding Insights
Position 1: 300 x 250 Banner
Position 2: 635 x 250 Banner; URL(s) the ad should link to.

Furniture Today Breaking News
Position 1: 600 x 150 Banner
Position 2: 600 x 150 Banner; URL(s) the ad should link to.

Email News Alert Banner Traffic Instructions for Send My Ad:
Ad Type to send: Digital Ads
Media Profile: Choose “Furniture Today Email News Alert Ads” for the site the ad will run on.
Choose A Placement: For JPGs and GIFs choose “Image Ads”. If you are submitting multiple files at once, zip all the files first and then choose “Zip Campaign”.
Please supply the web address the ad should link to.

Designers Today Email News Alert Ads

Designers Today eWeekly
Positions 1 and 2: 600 x 150 Banner
Positions 3 – 5: Can be 575 x 150 Banner Ad or Native Ad. Specs for Native Ads: 300 pixel wide x 167 pixel tall image (72 dpi, RGB); 8 words max headline; 30 words of body copy; URL(s) the ad should link to. NOTE: The text should not be placed onto the 300×167 image — the image and text should be submitted separately. We will compose the ad onto the newsletter.

Designers Today Profiles In Design
Position 1: 600 x 150 Banner; URL the ad should link to.

Email News Alert Banner Traffic Instructions for Send My Ad
Ad Type to send: Digital Ads
Media Profile: Designers Today Ads
Choose A Placement: For JPGs and GIFs choose “Image Ads”. If you are submitting multiple files at once, zip all the files first and then choose “Zip Campaign”.
Please supply the web address the ad should link to.

Gifts & Decorative Accessories Email News Alert Ads

Gifts & Decorative Accessories Direct this Week
Gifts & Decorative Accessories Direct from Market
Gifts & Decorative Accessories Productwire
Kids Corner (formerly Playthings)
Positions 1 and 2: 600 x 150 Banner
Position 3 – 5: Can be 575 x 150 Banner Ad or Native Ad. Specs for Native Ads: 300 pixel wide x 167 pixel tall image (72 dpi, RGB); 8 words max headline; 30 words of body copy; URL(s) the ad should link to. NOTE: The text should not be placed onto the 300×167 image — the image and text should be submitted separately. We will compose the ad onto the newsletter.
Gifts & Decorative Accessories Breaking News
Position 1: 600 x 150 Banner
Position 2: 600 x 150 Banner Ad URL(s) the ad should link to.
Email News Alert Banner Traffic Instructions for Send My Ad
Ad Type to send: Digital Ads
Media Profile: Gifts and Dec Email News Alert Ads
Choose A Placement: For JPGs and GIFs choose “Image Ads”. If you are submitting multiple files at once or the Sponsored Message assets, zip all the files first and then choose “Zip Campaign”.
Please supply the web address the ad should link to.

Home Accents Today Email News Alert Ads

Home Accents Today eWeekly
Positions 1 and 2: 600 x 150 Banner
Position 3 – 5: Can be 575 x 150 Banner Ad or Native Ad. Specs for Native Ads: 300 pixel wide x 167 pixel tall image (72 dpi, RGB); 8 words max headline; 30 words of body copy; URL(s) the ad should link to.
NOTE: The text should not be placed onto the 300×167 image — the image and text should be submitted separately. We will compose the ad onto the Email News Alert.
Home Accents Today Breaking News
Position 1: 600 x 150 Banner
Position 2: 600 x 150 Banner Ad URL(s) the ad should link to.
Email News Alert Banner Traffic Instructions for Send My Ad
Ad Type to send: Digital Ads
Media Profile: Home Accents Today Email News Alert Ads
Choose A Placement: For JPGs and GIFs choose “Image Ads”. If you are submitting multiple files at once, zip all the files first and then choose “Zip Campaign”.
Please supply the web address the ad should link to.

HFN Email News Alert Ads

Home Furnishings News Housewares
Positions 1 and 2: 600 x 150 Banner
Position 3 – 5: Can be 575 x 150 Banner Ad or Native Ad. Specs for Native Ads: 300 pixel wide x 167 pixel tall image (72 dpi, RGB); 8 words max headline; 30 words of body copy; URL(s) the ad should link to.
NOTE: The text should not be placed onto the 300×167 image — the image and text should be submitted separately. We will compose the ad onto the Email News Alert.
Home Furnishings News Breaking News
Position 1: 600 x 150 Banner
Position 2: 600 x 150 Banner Ad URL(s) the ad should link to.
Email News Alert Banner Traffic Instructions for Send My Ad
Ad Type to send: Digital Ads
Media Profile: Home Furnishings News  Email News Alert Ads
Choose A Placement: For JPGs and GIFs choose “Image Ads”. If you are submitting multiple files at once, zip all the files first and then choose “Zip Campaign”.
Please supply the web address the ad should link to.

Home Textiles Today Email News Alert Ads

Home Textiles Today eDaily
Positions 1 and 2: 600 x 150 Banner
Positions 3 – 5: Can be 575 x 150 Banner Ad or Native Ad. Specs for Native Ads: 300 pixel wide x 167 pixel tall image (72 dpi, RGB); 8 words max headline; 30 words of body copy; URL(s) the ad should link to.
NOTE: The text should not be placed onto the 300×167 image — the image and text should be submitted separately. We will compose the ad onto the Email News Alert.
Home Textiles Today Breaking News
Position 1: 600 x 150 Banner
Position 2: 600 x 150 Banner Ad URL(s) the ad should link to.
Email News Alert Banner Traffic Instructions for Send My Ad
Ad Type to send: Digital Ads
Media Profile: Home Textiles Today  Email News Alert Ads
Choose A Placement: For JPGs and GIFs choose “Image Ads”. If you are submitting multiple files at once, zip all the files first and then choose “Zip Campaign”.
Please supply the web address the ad should link to.

Industry Insights | Sponsored Content Specs

Assets needed:
1. 500-word (minimum) article. Please include links back to a company landing page in the text.
2. Up to four images (Featured Image must be a minimum size of 856 pixels wide by 475 pixels tall @ 96dpi. The featured image should contain no text on it. This image will be used in multiple places such as the newsletter and homepage placement so it will run at smaller sizes which will make any text hard to read. All other images need to be a minimum width of 660 pixels). Please supply at least two images.
3. Company logo (no larger than 200 pixels wide) and brief description (70 words or less)
4. Banner ads: Two 728x90s, two 320×100s, two 300x250s and one 300×600. Please include the URL the banner ads should link to. 5. If supplying video, please upload the video to YouTube first and then provide a link to the video.

Industry Insights Traffic Instructions for Send My Ad
Ad Type to send: Digital Ads
Media Profile: Publication Name – Website Ads
Choose A Placement: Zip all the above assets and choose “Zip Campaign”. This will allow you to upload the zip archive.


The emails need to be no wider then 700px with a preferred width of 600px. The files can be emailed directly or a link to a drop box to [email protected] no less than 2 business days before the eblast is scheduled to go out. If we receive the creative with less time, there is not a guarantee we will be able to get it out on time. If you are only sending an image it needs to be 72dpi and no wider than 700px. We also need the website URL that the image links to. Multiple URLs can also be accommodated if specified. Please be specific as to which URL links to the exact place on the image. Email addresses are acceptable. If you send an HTML file, we will be adding our header and footer text that is required. We also perform email testing to ensure it performs well on multiple platforms as well as mobile. We can accept jpg, png, pdf or HTML file formats. We also need a subject line or a request for us to come up with one.
To make an email mobile friendly and display properly to those who do not allow images we suggest a responsive email that is not just an image. Text heavier emails with text links in the top left quadrant of the creative tend to perform better. Along with specific subject lines that are engaging and action oriented.


Targeted Display Banner Ad Specs

Includes Retargeting our audiences, Retargeting client website audiences and targeted audiences on the open web.
Max file weight: No larger than 140kb File types: JPG, GIF*, PNG
Banner Ad Specs: 300×250, 728×90, 300×600, 970×250, 320×50, 300×50
Important Note: We require branding/logos on ads so the advertiser is easily identifiable by the user. This is a BridgeTower standard from a user experience/ad quality perspective as well as an official policy of our ad exchange partners. We are required to identify each of our advertisers to our exchange partners and the branding/logos on the ads must match the advertiser URL we pass to those partners. If the ads have a white background, they must have a colored border around the ad to help ensure they standout from the website’s background. * Animated GIFs cannot “flash” or “strobe”. The frames cannot rotate faster than 5 frames per second so the fastest transition for any frame is 0.21 seconds. The ad cannot be set to loop forever and the full animation must end in under 30 seconds. Example — the ad has 3 frames that stay visible for 3 seconds each for a total of 9 seconds. The ad can then be set to rotate no more than three times — for a total of 27 seconds.

Geofence Banner Ad Specs

Max file weight: No larger than 110kb
File types: JPG, GIF*, PNG
Submit all of these sizes for maximum reach (this is a mobile heavy campaign so the sizes that are in bold will deliver more than 70% of the campaign’s impressions. Make sure they are easy to read, short and to the point):
320×50, 300×50, 300×250, 728×90, 300×600, 970×250

Important Note: We require branding/logos on ads so the advertiser is easily identifiable by the user. This is a BridgeTower standard from a user experience/ad quality perspective as well as an official policy of our ad exchange partners. We are required to identify each of our advertisers to our exchange partners and the branding/logos on the ads must match the advertiser URL we pass to those partners. If the ads have a white background, they must have a colored border around the ad to help ensure they standout from the website’s background. * Animated GIFs can not “flash” or “strobe”. The frames can not rotate faster than 5 frames per second so the fastest transition for any frame is 0.20 seconds.

Important Landing Page Requirements For Remarketing, Targeted Audience and Geofence Campaigns: All campaign destination URLs must be owned and operated by the client or advertiser unless permissions are obtained from the third-party retailers or properties. If permissions have been obtained from the third-party retailers or properties, we will approve the destination URL. Examples of this are clients using a Zoom, WebEx or GoTo landing page to register people for a webinar. All campaign destination URLs must be fully built out websites that include a privacy policy. Anything outside of industry best practice or deemed non-spec by our ad server are prohibited. Below are some examples that would be considered in violation:

  • Parked destination URLs, sites under construction or non-functional pages.
  • Pages that limit or interfere with a user’s ability to navigate away from the page. Example of this would be linking to a PDF or interactive PDF.
  • Destination URLs that auto-redirect.
  • Destination URLs that prompt you to download files or plug-ins.
  • Landing pages that cannot be viewed on commonly used browsers.
  • Misleading landing pages that infringe on a third-party’s copyright.

Remarketing & Geofence Traffic Instructions for Send My Ad:
Ad Type to send: Digital Ads
Media Profile: Choose “Website Ads” for the site the ad will run on.
Choose A Placement: Use a text file to supply the text required for a Gmail ad. Zip all the image and text files first and then choose “Zip Campaign”.
Please supply the web address the ad(s) should link to.