You are invited to compete in the coveted 2024 President’s Club, the pinnacle of success for BridgeTower Media’s top sales professionals who could earn an all-expense paid trip to a top tropical destination.

Who’s eligible?

Full-time Sales Executives that sell $300,000 or more of print, classifieds, digital and events in 2024 are eligible to participate if they are employed and in good standing during the full duration of the contest, and at the time when the trip takes place. Brand Leaders and Event Managers are also included in the contest.

What are the contest dates?

The contest period is the fiscal year 2024. Only sales earned during the contest period will be eligible. The contest period is the fiscal year 2024. Only recognized revenue earned during the contest period will be eligible.

How many winners will there be?

There will be up to 10 winners. There are three separate groups eligible for prizes. Eight Sales Executives (including Sales Leads), one Brand Leader and one Event Manager will be eligible for the trip prize package.

How do I win?

  • Sales Executives (including Sales Leads) must sell a minimum of $300,000 and meet or exceed his or her 2024 annual goal. The top 2 full-time Sales Executives who meet or exceed their goal by the greatest dollar amount and the top 2 full-time Sales Executives who meet or exceed goal by the greatest percentage.
  • Sales Executives (including Sales Leads) must sell a minimum of $150,000 in digital and meet or exceed their 2024 annual digital goal. They must also meet or exceed their overall annual goal to be eligible for the digital prize. The top 2 full-time Sales Executives who meet or exceed their digital goals by the greatest dollar amount and the top 2 full-time Sales Executives who meet or exceed digital goal by the greatest percentage will be selected.
    • Sales Leads are included in the above two categories, and will be assessed based on their total team goal, using the same criteria as detailed above.
  • One Event Manager must achieve a minimum of $150,000 in Event profit and meet or exceed his/her market’s overall 2024 event EBITDA goal by the largest percentage.
  • One Brand leader will be chosen based on qualitative and quantitative measures, including but not limited to adherence to core values and overall financial performance. This individual will be selected by the executive team.